Thursday, November 18, 2021

Short answer: No.

Victor Davis Hanson has a nice summary of some of the FBI's more egregious acts of criminality, sleaze and incompetence: "Can The FBI Be Salvaged?"

"Man, that's weird! I just had the strongest sensation that I'd be better off working for the Department of Agriculture!"


  1. I worked at USDA; it's bad too most or the job in giving away taxpayer money and trying to "manage" farmers. One of the first bureaucracies created that wasn't a constitutionally mandated function of government.

  2. I'm sure you're right. I was just trying to imagine something less openly intimidating than the FBI, which gives signs of becoming our STASI.

    I think one of my uncles used to work for USDA, but I don't recollect ever hearing him talk about it much.
