Sunday, November 7, 2021

When are you going to cap your own greenhouse emissions, Joe?

Shouldn't this guy be buying his own carbon credits? "Camilla Blown Away After Hearing Joe Biden ‘Loudly’ Fart".

And we are seriously expected to believe this preposterous creature won over 80 million votes? Madness.

Meanwhile, over on the Left Coast: "Where’s Gavin? Newsom Has Disappeared from View Since Oct. 27". I think he's probably shedding his skin.

Update  Biden's cabinet meetings must be a toot hoot...


  1. Farting long and loud at a global warmmongering conference?
    That's possibly the most intelligent and useful thing to ever come out of Joe Biden.

  2. Joe farting in front of the future king of England's wife kind of gives credence to the rumor that he pooped his pants in front of the Pope, doesn't it?

    As for Newsom, it would be a good thing if he never showed up again.
