Friday, November 26, 2021

Whoa! I think we skipped a letter.

 Pure coincidence, I'm sure.


  1. Mustn't anger the murderous cartoon bear.
    If I were king I woulda had them name it the 'pooh' variant.

  2. OMG is kinda catchy if you want to whip up hysteria.

  3. I never heard of the prior 6 letters.

  4. On November 22, Dennis Prager had Mark McDonald M.D.on his show. It was fascinating. McDonald is a LA based psychiatrist, and author of The United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis. I plan on reading it, and recommending he be a guest again. The segment should be in the Dennis Prager Show archives.

  5. I've thought for sometime that this COVID pandemic thing isn't going to go away, or at least anytime soon. The powers-that-be keep moving the goal post, and finding new strains (cue the screams) of ever devastating virulence. How can the know it is very dangerous since they "just" found it?

  6. I suppose one way to judge the severity of any new variant is by how much it panics the stock market, when it's first announced to the public.

    This one must be pretty bad...2.5% down. Winnie the Pooh is probably smiling like he just found a big jar of honey.

  7. And on a half day Friday my goodness is this the 19th nervous breakdown?

  8. those greek letters take me back to my frat boy days; I had been readIng about the Nu variant, then saw the announcement of Omicron; huh, I guess people might hear "new" and not "Nu" and it could devolve into an Abbot&Costello skit, but it wasn't until I saw you post that I go whi Xi was skippped...

  9. Putting this aside for the moment for a question. What happens when the letters are exhausted with the discovery of new (always ever virulent) variants?

  10. Maybe they'll start giving them people names, like hurricanes: "The CDC announced today that the Priscilla variant has spread to the northeastern United States, just as the Bernard variant was beginning to abate".

  11. They have a scientific tracking identification for example
    SARS-CoV-2 variant: B.1.1.529.

    The B.1.1.529 variant was first reported to WHO from South Africa on 24 November 2021.

    so in oldspeak we might have called it the South African Covid; in tropical storm and huricane naming they wait until wind speed reaches a certain level; I'm not clear on the covid naming method because they skipped 10 letters between delta and omicron that I don't remember hearing about.
