Monday, May 30, 2022

 Good afternoon Paco World !!!

Mr. Paco's white blood count is a roller coaster, it is up again. His vital signs are good and he has been able to eat a soft diet. He is enjoying ice cream !!!!

Deborah I finally found the site for the magic shower cap. It is: , Nurture Shampoo Cap Microwaveable . 6 pack for $21.95 .

We are still not sure when he will get his second surgery to repair all the damage.

Please keep praying for him. 

Thank you for being concerned with the Paco family.

Mrs. Paco and Daisy


bruce said...

In my thoughts and prayers, Mrs P.

Gregoryno6 said...

Sounds promising, Mrs Paco.

Deborah said...

Thank you for the continued updates, Mrs. P! The Pacos remain in our thoughts and prayers. At least he's still on a soft diet. Hope Mr. P gets his favor ice cream flavor.

Thank you for the info!

Irobot said...

Sorry to hear about the setbacks but the old bean seems to be on the improve. Sending our thoughts and prayers.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Well, ice cream... hope everything else improves soon too.