Saturday, June 25, 2022

As far as I know, Bill Maher is still left of center...

 ...but he hasn't forfeited his right to think independently, and when he's right, he's right.


RebeccaH said...

Bill Maher is a classical liberal, what we might call a leftist today, but the two aren't the same thing at all. I am a liberal when it comes to same sex marriage, or interracial marriage, or legal (emphasis on legal) immigration, or (dare I say it here) even abortion in extreme and very rare situations. I think he just realized that his liberal opinions ran smack into the far-left Democratic positions that have been adopted by neurotics who live their lives on Twitter and are so damaged as to be suckers for the anti-human Marxist agenda.

Paco said...

Wherever anybody is on the political spectrum, as long as they genuinely adopt a spirit of logic, fairness and honesty - with a big helping of courage, and not a little humility - then one can engage with them. It really does seem, these days, that the radical left is not even so much ideological anymore as simply insane.

bruce said...

This insanity erupts periodically in history, when it used to be condemned as 'enthusiasm':

Which was blamed for the English Civil War as it says there.

JeffS said...

Maher is an a$$hole, but he's my kind of a$$hole.

Most of the time, anywho.

Veeshir said...

Back in the early aughts, you could engage with lefties on the intertubes.
Then toward the end of the W era, they really just started going insane.

I blame our fine betters in the Democratic media entertainment complex, they went overdrive othering anyone who didn't believe as they were told to believe.
That's been going on for my whole life, look at Reaganites in 80 movies for instance, but they went all in by 2008, and here we are.