Friday, June 10, 2022

Remember, back in the day, when all the cool kids laughed at us for talking about a slippery slope?



  1. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 10, 2022 at 11:15 PM

    The Slippery Slope Fallacy is only a fallacy if it is, indeed - and follow me closely here - actually a fallacy. If there is an actual slippery slope, sneering and citing "fallacy" is either stupidity or gaslighting.

    And at this point I can't be bothered asking which.

  2. I wish I could take more satisfaction in the fact that everything people kept trying to warn us about previously is actually happening now. "That'll show 'em" just doesn't have the cashet I could have hoped for.

  3. cachet. Where's autocorrect when you need it?

  4. Autocorrect would have turned it into cashew peanut.

  5. And where's my Sunday Funnies? Everything OK?

    1. Geez, George. You sure are a harsh task master, but then you must have been out of the loop. (It's important to stay in the loop.) Mr. Paco is barely back to the hearth after an all-inclusive vacation at a hospital. His extraordinary wife, Mrs. Paco, was giving updates.

  6. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 13, 2022 at 5:20 PM

    You know, Deborah, Paco Loops sounds like a breakfast cereal!

    1. That sounds like an idea that the boys in the basement should get right on. Now...about the icon.... Can't be the Chief; his identity must not b revealed.
