Saturday, June 18, 2022

Sounded like a good idea at the time

Biden PR guy #1: Let's get some video of the president doing something athletic.

Biden PR guy # 2: Good idea. I mean, what could possibly go wrong?


  1. Hell, he can't walk up a flight of steps. Who thought a bicycle was a good idea after that?

    Weekend Bonus:

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 18, 2022 at 11:24 PM

    I'll put money on that not being his bike. Some staffer lent it for the photo op. I mean really, Brandon doesn't know how to use toe clips? He probably hasn't ridden a bike in over fifty years.

    1. The last bike he rode had three wheels. Maybe he needs to go back to a three-wheeler.

      Shouldn't toe clips be banned (after much Congressional investigation, of course). Joe could sue the manufacturer. Where are the protests against toe clips?

  3. When he gets back to the beach house he'll probably yell at the Secret Service agents for not catching him. And then he'll rant about all the media there filming his fall and making him look bad, until Doktorcrat Jill pacifies him with his afternoon apple sauce.
