Friday, July 8, 2022

Dreadful news

Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated.

Update  Japan has the death penalty for murder; execution is by hanging. Just sayin'...

Update II  Donald Trump had some very kind words for his friend, Shinzo Abe.

Compare and contrast with some of the headlines run by the organs of the leftist propaganda ministry.


  1. Condolences to the Abe family, and the people of Japan.

    Over the last few years, I have developed an interest in Japan that started with watching NHK News and YT videos of the 3-11-11 tsunami, and then other Japan related YT videos. It's an interesting culture with many things other cultures would do well to follow, and a few that are not so great. Abe's manner of death will haunt the people of Japan for a long time.

    1. Last night, I tuned into NHK (the Japanese channel in english), and found out about the shooting. After several minutes, it was easy to figure that Abe had been assassinated, and the powers were assembling and crafting the official announcement. Very sad event.

      I enjoy Japanese culture, food, history, kimonos, and sumo. The June sumo tournament starts this Sunday. It's shown in english on NHK. Fascinating and fun.

  2. Abe had been railing against China's encursions into Japanese waters, and publicly supporting Taiwan against China. It'll be interesting to find out what the assassin's motives were beyond just "I didn't like him".

    1. That is exactly what I was thinking Rebecca.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The shooter was upset about an organization that Abe was connected to, that his mother had donated a lot of money to, hurting his family. - source NHK News

    In other words, he was mentally unstable.
    Doesn't matter, tho. To the lamestream media, all there is to say is that the shooter used a "ghost gun!!! Ban all the things!!"

  4. I don't need to know too much about Abe, because since the Lefty media doesn't like him, then he must be okay.

  5. Deb: that's generally a good filter to use all the time.
