Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Go, Dutch farmers!

When climate change fanaticism gets real: "Dutch Farmers Revolt Against Insane Government Demands".

A world without meat? No problem...

Sorry, bug breath, hamburgers are my hill to die on.


  1. Ministers warn that farmers will have to adapt to new regulations or face shutdowns.

    Face shutdowns? As in, stop producing food? Will this be a "Let them eat cake" moment for the Dutch ministers? That'll work.

    There are a lot of people working to create a world they won't like when it gets here.

    1. The Climanistas, like the EVnistas, can't see the big picture. They've been sold Utopia without understanding it can never exist. But Saul Alinsky stated that no amount of collateral damage was unacceptable. Saul is surely smiling.

  2. What, the farmers aren't pulling out their guns ... ... ????

    Oh, wait ... ... ...

    Yep, the Second Amendment stays. Screw the gun grabbers.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wonder if Nicole's hubby Keith Urban is a bug eater. Doesn't he tour a lot? Hmmm. Well, she can have em. I'm with Paco on cheeseburger hill.

  5. I eat a lot of things some other people might find gross (snails, squid, liver and onions), but I draw the line at bugs. And oysters. Won't eat oysters.

    1. I really like liver and onions. Never had snails, but have had squid, octopus, Rocky Mountain oysters, and pate. I'll eat or try almost anything, but I draw the line at bugs. Oysters (ocean) were on the never list until I took my Dad's challenge. Now I love em!

  6. I tried to get an oyster down one time, literally gagged on it.

    1. It's because you let your preconceived notion rule. If it was controlled, and replaced by inquisitiveness, the outcome might be different. It worked for a Vietnam combat vet who had a hangup about the rattlesnake our unit was trying.

      Give it another go, my friend. Oysters on the half shell, or baked are delicious. Each to their own.

    2. I was inquisitive, and the answer I got was that the thing had the consistency of a fish eyeball. Cooked or raw, it ain’t for me.

  7. Oysters aren't bad ... cut up and served in a soup or stew. Then again, I grew up on the Puget Sound; we could (and did) gather oysters from a nearby bay.

    Possibly illegally. Allegedly.

  8. Old Paco had a saying he picked up in his army days: I don’t eat anything that doesn’t walk on dry land and fight for its country (the latter, I believe, referring to the horse meat sometimes served in the mess hall back in his time).

  9. Today, Dennis Prager had a guest from the Netherlands. She spoke about the draconian measures their government is attempting, and the response. Police fired on a young farmer under the guise he was trying to run his tractor into a crowd.

    Dennis asked why they would take these measures since it is insignificant to climate change. Her response was to make room for a compliment populace. Sound familiar.
