Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Good news

José Alba is the New York City bodega worker who killed a career criminal in self-defense, and then was promptly arrested at the behest of one of George Soros's pet prosecutors, D(umb) A(ss) Alvin Bragg. Bragg intended to charge Alba with second degree murder, and initially set his bail at a preposterously high level ($250,000), which was subsequently reduced by a judge. There was a huge and immediate backlash against Bragg.

And now, having thought things over a little more carefully, Bragg has dropped all charges against Alba

I'm delighted to hear that; however, this is the kind of political persecution and lax approach to fighting real crime we are likely to continue seeing as long as woke puppets like Bragg hold power. It should be a key objective of the right to drive these Soros tools from office. 

Yes, they need to be removed from office. As the great Caspar Gutman said...

"Legally, if possible; but in any event...expeditiously".


  1. Yay for Mr. Alba, but he was only saved because there was irrefutable video evidence. As for these Soros tools, I vote "expeditiously".

  2. If "expeditiously" might include "with extreme prejudice", I agree.

  3. Mr. Alba is probably fortunate that his story got some nationwide coverage that helped change the outcome.

    I wonder how many less publicized stories of people in similar situations are experiencing less fortunate outcomes under this D(umb) A(ss).
