Saturday, July 16, 2022

I knew something like this was going to happen

"Biden’s Transgender Assistant Health Secretary Rachel Levine and Gender Fluid 'Pup Handler' Sam Brinton Attend French Ambassador’s Bastille Day Party".

Related  Paco World News Daily (PWND) has learned that the French government is suddenly mulling over the possibility of invading the U.S. to recover the Louisiana Purchase. Las Vegas odds makers are saying that the venture is a 50-50 proposition.

Seriously, what a state our culture is in. Humility, dignity and self-respect have given way to neurosis, vanity and exhibitionism. 


  1. Humility, dignity and self-respect have given way to neurosis, vanity and exhibitionism.

    Or, with fewer words: Humility, dignity and self-respect have given way to weirdness.

  2. I am deeply ashamed of, and embarrassed by, our government.

  3. You and me both RebeccaH.

    Those are exactly the words I'd use.
