Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Mitch McConnell responds to the FBI raid on Donald Trump's home

Ladies and gentleman, the Senate Republican Leader.

That ought to put the fear of God into Garland and Wray! Truth to tell, I don't believe McConnell has said a word. In his heart of hearts, he deeply desires that Trump be expunged from American politics. Interestingly, I feel the same way about McConnell and his complacent acceptance of Republican vassalage to the administrative state. 


  1. I forget who coined it, but under "controlled opposition" in the dictionary there should be picture of a turtle.
    I say that because I don't like looking at McConnell's face.

  2. His eyes look quite devoid of the human spirit, and the rest of his face looks like a big undercooked dumpling.

  3. RINO's like Cocaine Mitch hate Trump because his election exposed the cozy "go along to get along" deal they have with the Left and the Deep State in DC. They offer token opposition then rub shoulders at DC cocktail parties with the Left and their Deep State minions, and all the while they enjoy the perks of being elected to office in Congress.

  4. Yeah, that's about the size of it.
