Friday, August 12, 2022

Oh HO!

Now that the State is trying desperately to tar Trump with the crime of possessing documents related to nuclear weapons, the execrable former CIA chief (and, inexplicably, a four-star Air Force general), Michael Hayden publicly floats his (very timely) opinion that execution is ok for people who "spill nuclear secrets". 

Hmmm...where have I seen this guy before?

Now, I don't necessarily disagree with the notion that spies who provide secrets to foreign enemies should be executed. But I find this theme to be ominous and threatening in the present environment - notwithstanding that I also believe it will prove to be completely irrelevant.


  1. Clintons and Obama actually selling secrets to China and Russia: Okay!
    Trump fantasy pr0n about selling secrets to Russia (that Hillary probably already gave them): Death!

    Just the standard standard of our fine betters.

  2. Jimmy Carter sent the nuclear codes to the dry cleaner in his suit pocket and Bill Clinton lost them for months from what i've read.

  3. Careful, Paco... we start executing people for giving secrets to hostile foreign governments, and next thing you know the Bidens and Clintons are on trial.

    And nobody wants to see that, right?


  4. It's worth noting that Hayden has had a stroke and suffers from aphasia (communicates by keyboard, I suppose). So take any opinions from him while keeping that in mind.

    OTOH, I support executing spies who give away our secrets, although it might be useful to keep them on hand for possible future exchanges for spoiled basketball players, etc.

  5. I think I read somewhere that supposedly the "nuclear documents" Trump has is the nuclear launch codes?

    My first thought was: Even if he had them, is it impossible to just change the launch codes, making the ones he had useless? Actually, why wouldn't they change them periodically, anyway?

    1. If Trump still had codes they would be useless. Buzz Patterson, Lt Col USAF Ret., carried the nuclear "football" for then president Bill Clinton would verify that. Although the protocols might have been updated, the basic remains that the codes would have changed frequently, especially regarding an outgoing president.

  6. Hayden has always been deep state and anti-Trump. I don't think the aphasia has altered his political opinions, although it may have affected his ability to express himself. And, aphasia or no, as long as he sees fit to join his cronies in wielding a shovel to dig a hole for our democracy, he's fair game. Same as Biden.

  7. R-man, any and all codes are changed periodically. If there are exceptions, that’s way above my former pay grade.

  8. Don't you need access to use the codes?
    Do you just call up the Aswitchboard at Vandenburg and say, "b8xty4" and they blast Russia or the Norks?

    Also, Trump is the only POTUS in the last...uhhh.... I don't know, 150 years, who didn't get us involved in a war or at least send troops to fight somewhere.
    He tried to end the wars his predecessors started.
    The mover in a real Middle East Peace plan.
    The only one in decades not bribed by our enemies.

    The worst part about all the Get Trump! stupidities is how utterly ridiculous they are to anyone who remembers 5 minutes ago.
