Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Could this be?

Tucker Carlson suggests the possibility that the Biden administration sabotaged the Nord Stream pipelines.


Veeshir said...

It doesn't make any sense sooo...... Magic 8-ball sez, Possibly.

JeffS said...

I read this analysis earlier today .... ....

The author says there is no smoking gun, but uses the process of elimination to point out there aren't many organizations with the capabilities for such an attack. (Ignore the author's rejection of some aspects of grammar, specifically, capitalization. I've been reading him for a while, and a fool he ain't).

The US military is at the top of that list.

Conclusive it is not. But add on Biden's own statement regarding the Nord Stream pipelines being shut down, and one has to ask if this could be true.

We're likely never to going to know the truth.

tom said...

I've started to view all "conspiracy theories" as spoiler alerts.

JeffS said...

An interesting …. and scary …. Twitter thread discussing evidence of US naval activity in the area of the sabotaged pipelines.


Again, not conclusive, but certainly relevant.

Deborah said...

Tucker made a compelling case, including a Biden clip.

Deborah said...

It's also interesting that the eruption site (for lack of the proper term) is a quarter to half a mile wide with two areas that are bubbling close to each other.

RebeccaH said...

I keep hoping it was just an accident caused by methane buildup and the usual Russian mishandling of their assets, but it's getting harder. If the US did this, then it was an act of war and it won't go unanswered. And I can totally believe Joe Biden and his mishandlers thinking doing something like that is a good thing, because as we were warned, "Never underestimate Joe's ability to ... you know."

Paco said...

I wonder if Joe is aware that it's his constituents who would be most likely to get vaporized in a nuclear exchange.

Paco said...

Actually, he's not aware of anything, so, never mind.