Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Wow! You could have knocked me over with a feather!

"Neoliberals Are Most Likely Group To Fall For ‘Pseudo-Profound Bullsh*t’ From Politicians, Study Finds".

This is what Ace, among many other observers, has been saying for years.


bruce said...

We know what WE mean by those terms and that it's true, but the article itself isn't specific. Quoting George Monbiot? Progressivism itself - the belief in Progress - was always full of ambiguous waffle starting with progressivism's grand-daddy GWF Hegel (who proposed a secular 'end of history' parallel with the Biblical salvation one).

Some say the Wilsonian progressives were influenced by English translations of Hegel, but others disagree. Straussian 'neocons' are explicitly following Hegel. It affects both left and right. So lumping them all together as 'neoliberals' is ok, potato potahto.

Paco said...

I just look for the mark of the cloven hoof, and sniff out the brimstone. Progressivism, Leftism, whatever form this heresy-cum-dominant pseudo-religion takes, it is clearly branded and it reeks of evil.

RebeccaH said...

Just the other day I was wondering whatever happened to George Moonbat, haven't heard anything out of him lately. I guess he's still kicking.

bruce said...

I forgot 'George Moonbat', that takes me back to Tim Blair days.

Yes Paco, cloven hoof and brimstone sums it up.