Thursday, October 6, 2022

More bluster from this insufferable blowhard

"President Biden was caught on a hit mic Wednesday thumping his chest while speaking with Ray Murphy, the mayor of Fort Myers Beach, and declaring 'no one f***s with a Biden.'"

How about the Saudis, Joe? They kind of did, didn't they, by cutting crude oil production? And even your former boss, Ex-President Barack Obama, treats you like the bad joke you are. And just about everybody, left and right, either publicly or privately acknowledges that, when it comes to the gray matter, your cranium is definitely a low-occupancy proposition.

Yeah, I know, he's a foolish old man in an advanced state of cognitive decline; but he was an arrogant, pompous boor for decades before his mind started to rust out, so I'm not cutting him any slack. But, truth to tell, it's the leftwing blob - government, the universities, news outlets, Big Tech - that represents the greater threat. 

Update  "9 Times Someone ‘F—d With a Biden’ and Got Away With It".


Veeshir said...

At one point I wondered if I should feel sorry for what they must do to him to get him to appear not totally debilitated, then I remember what a despicable person he was.
At his best he was corrupt, vindictive, arrogant, vile and stupid, now you just add senile.

Gregoryno6 said...

Veeshir - we need a Tom Lehrer type to make a song of that list.

RebeccaH said...

He's gone to shul more than any Jew, he marched in civil rights marches, he was arrested for trying to see Nelson Mandela, he drove an 18-wheeler, he grew up with the Puerto Ricans. Joe Biden looks in a mirror and he sees everybody but himself. He should be called President Braggart. His ultimate reward, if he lives long enough for his dementia to reach full range, he won't even be able to remember his own name.