Saturday, October 1, 2022

Nancy Pelosi: C'mon, Ron, you know you need those beaners to pick your oranges!

"Nancy Pelosi Takes Heat for Claiming Florida Needs Illegal Immigrants to ‘Pick Crops’".

Now, the most interesting thing to me about Pelosi's comments is not the stereotyping: I mean, let's face it, the border jumpers aren't snatching up engineering jobs at NASA. Naturally, most of them are being employed as manual laborers.

No, to me, the interesting thing is that she effectively spoke one of the quiet parts out loud, to wit, the pretense of humanitarianism by Democrats is a cloak for one of the real motives, the desire to maintain a cheap labor market for their rich donors in the private sector (the other motive is that the Democrats are counting on illegal aliens becoming donk voters at some point, either before or after citizenship, but even Pelosi isn't stupid enough to broadcast that fact). 

1 comment:

Stephen A Skubinna said...

Well Jill... excuse me, DOCTOR Jill already laid it out. Those Hispanx Latinxes are so amazing, some of them grow flowers, some actually run stores, and others make wonderful tacos!