Monday, November 28, 2022

Man, who could have seen that coming?

"Biden's transgender DOE appointee is charged with a felony".


Veeshir said...

Wait, you mean that freak is not trustworthy and has mental health issues?
I find that utterly easy to believe.

Gregoryno6 said...

Bad career move, pal, leaving the X-Men.

Stephen A Skubinna said...

The Other McCain has a long running category titled "Crazy People Are Dangerous." Transgender people are mentally ill, and chemically and surgically mutilating them does not help, nor does "celebrating" their mental illness.

But he is a fine poster boy (?) for the illegitimate Brandon Administration. They are entirely without feck, which contributes my my lack of gruntles.

Paco said...

They are entirely without feck, which contributes my my lack of gruntles.

Haw! Wish I'd said that (and I probably will).

Deborah said...

She/he/whatever also lacks fashion sense.