Thursday, January 26, 2023

Pencil neck's revenge

Rep. Adam Schiff vowed revenge when Kevin McCarthy kicked him off of the intel committee, which he is now carrying out by - running for Senate: "Adam Schiff Announces Run for Feinstein’s California Senate Seat".


  1. “I’ve always believed that what’s right matters, that the truth matters, and that decency matters..."

    How is it possible that he can say that, and his head not explode in a mist so fine it would take a mass spectrometer to detect the resulting particles?

  2. He'd be the perfect CA Senator.
    I mean, whoever it is going to vote for the most stupid, destructive policies, that's a given, but I figure CA is all upset that NY has a slimier, more corrupt, more despicable Sen in Schumer.
    That has to gall them.

    For me, I could care less who is in DC.
    They're all going to do the same crap, some GOPers will throw fish to get me to slap my fins and arf, the rest will vote for Dem priorities while lamenting how Their Good Friends Across The Aisle didn't keep their word and the Dems will lie, cheat and steal elections.
    Why get agita?

  3. How is it possible that he can say that, and his head not explode in a mist so fine it would take a mass spectrometer to detect the resulting particles?

    The weird thing is, I think he may really believe it. He's got to be one of the most delusional people in congress.

  4. Paco, if Pencil Neck isn’t delusional, he’s either the best actor on Capitol Hill, or flat out insane.

    The hilarious part of this saga is that Feinstein hasn’t announced her intentions, run or retire. Yet the donks are stumbling over each other to announce their campaigns. Haw!

  5. Maybe this is a dry run to see how ousting an entrenched fellow Democrat works out. Somehow, they're going to have to do the same thing with Biden.

    1. Btw, have you tried to imagine the Biden Presidential Library?

  6. I'm sure Hunter's laptop will be one of the main exhibits.

    And a whole wing dedicated to the classified documents he carts off when he leaves the White House.
