Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Senile old man who keeps leaving the back door open angry because his place is full of squirrels

"Angry Joe Biden Erupts Into Fits Of Rage At Scenes Of Overwhelmed Southern Border".

Apparently this doddering old fool with the termite-riddled thought-box hasn't the first clue that his own policies are responsible for our porous southern border.


  1. Joe Biden is just a nasty, hateful old man. Oh, and he has dementia too.

  2. I have a SIL who doesn't like Trump because of his disagreeable personality. I told that she must hate Biden just as much, because he's as bad, if not worse than Trump. She had a blank look on her face, and I told her throughout his career in politics Biden has always been a stupid, disagreeable a-hole! And if not for incumbents being reelected so easily, he never would have made it to the White House on his merits.

    Rebecca is right, he is a nasty, hateful old man. With dementia.

  3. To be fair (which I really am not interested in being) they aren't Biden's policies, per se. They are the policies of his handlers. Slow Joe is just a meat puppet, signing whatever the various cliques behind him shove in his face. Those behind him want to destroy our sovereignty and crash the economy.

    And we really don't have room to complain. We voted for this. Or so the corporate DNC media keeps telling us.

  4. It doesn't matter that he's now got the mental function of a pine stump. He's always been a Democrat tool, and I'm convinced he'd sign off on, and perhaps initiate, the crap he's been signing into law for the last two years even if he hadn't loss cognitive ability. Demented or not, he's always been an a$$hole.
