Tuesday, January 10, 2023

The big surprise is not that Joe Biden improperly stored classified documents...

 ...the big surprise is that there's a Joe Biden think tank.

A bait tank, I could understand. Maybe a septic tank. But a think tank? It is to laugh.

Update  R-man has identified Biden's think tank. Pretty oily business, if you ask me.


  1. Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along. It only matters how classified documents are stored if the storer is Donald J. Trump, or some other right winger.

  2. You're right, Deb, says so right there in the constitution.

  3. The talking points have already gone out. The parrots at the corporate DNC/Media are outraged that anybody could compare this minor and entirely inadvertent act to Trump's recklessly criminal treason!


    "Ah, Trump... from Hell's heart I stab at thee! For hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee!"

  4. Not sure why, but for some reason, when I hear 'Biden think tank', this is what I picture.

  5. The FBI is supremely uninterested in investigating this because there aren't any supermodel underwear drawers to rifle through.

  6. Oh, I see the confusion now. That isn't a "think tank," it's a stink tank. If you showed Biden the contents and a can of Shinola and asked the difference, he'd be unable to answer.
