Monday, January 16, 2023

The long arm of...coincidence

Correlation does not prove causation, as we are being tirelessly reminded, but in a situation where you are looking at a life-threatening disease, the medicines used to combat it, and the potential side effects of those medicines - against the backdrop of a sudden spike in heart attacks and strokes - one would think that there would be a lot more curiosity about investigating the nature of apparent correlations in order to verify whether A might just be causing B. 

But apparently, it's all just one big coincidence, as revealed in this video.

Big H/T to Gregory at The mind is an unexplored country. Go there for more.


  1. You might be entitled to financial compensation.

  2. Here's some more right here.
    Warning: Cringe Zone ahead...

  3. Did you notice, in the fine print right at the end, they misspelled 'coincidences' as 'concidences'?

    Just a coincidence?

  4. We have a vaccine that does not prevent catching the disease, does not prevent transmitting the disease and can kill you.
    All for a disease that will only kill .03% or so and most people need a test to know if they have it.

    And you're a hater and insurgent if you don't want said vaccine.

    I'm trying to decide if it's even more stupider than global worming.
    Both kill lots of people, redistribute wealth from the poor to the rich and are utterly anti-science.
    I guess each one is more stupider than the other.
