Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Another democratically-elected authoritarian falls

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's First Minister, has resigned. Apparently, her career ultimately ran aground on the rocks of insane transgender policies, but she was adept at failure on multiple fronts.

Big H/T to Gregory of The mind is an unexplored country.


  1. It's always a risk for elected officials that the voters might connect the results of your policies to you personally. Sturgeon missed a bet, not blaming Donald Trump for her failures. It works for politicians in the US... or they act like they think it works anyway.

  2. Huh. Another nation brought to its knees by socialists and commies.

    Imagine that.

    1. Socialists and commies never learn why their ideas don't work. They just excuse it as "it wasn't done right".

  3. It seems her whole focus was on independence for Scotland and not concentrated on increasing Scotland's manufacturing and trade sectors which would provide jobs to the many unemployed there. The fishing industry has all but collapsed, as has the energy sector (yeah, more windmills, that's the ticket), so what results from major unemployment? Drugs, drunkenness, and broken homes. Scotland thanks you, Nicola.
