Monday, February 6, 2023

First rate idea


And then they could harass him throughout his speech with deflation noises... 

Update  I was wondering why they even bothered, once the thing had already traversed the entire country: "U.S. Shoots Down Spy Balloon As It Was Getting Too Close To Ukraine" (H/T: Mrs. Paco).


  1. This could be epic.

    "When I took office, I inherited an economic mess..." Squeeeeeeeeee...

    "Trump is the leader of reactionary forces..." Ttthhhhuuuuppppp...

  2. Democrats really like white clothing, especially with hoods.

  3. How great would it be if the GOP did bring white balloons with them? Effective and humorous.
    That's why the GOP won't do it.
    It would be hilarious to see and then watching our fine media betters pass hyper-ventilating and go straight to plaid-ventilating* over it.

    *I'm calling that one.

  4. Apparently they're putting up the fencing around the Capitol again? Makes me wonder what that light is up towards the end of the tunnel.

  5. Apparently they're putting up the fencing around the Capitol again?

    For the third year in a row. Which means we're probably a couple years away from a permanent fence around the capital. And then, only Dimocrat supporters will be allowed in.

    No 'Extreme MAGA Republicans' allowed!

    1. Yep. Only DAGA (Destroy America's Greatness Always) devotees will be allowed.

  6. The squeeeee of deflating balloons all through the SOTU would be hilarious. Of course there would be cries of "pettiness" and "juvenile tricks", but nothing can top Nasty Pelosi tearing up Donald Trump's SOTU on TV for pettiness.
