Tuesday, February 21, 2023

More cheap theater from Biden and friends

"CNN and Reuters Just Let Slip a Small Problem With Those Air Raid Sirens During Biden's Ukraine Visit".

Far more ominous, of course, is the extent to which Democrats and RINOs like the increasingly execrable Mitch McConnell are willing to go in their efforts to prop up the pretentious Zelensky, who is not only proving to be a tin-pot dictator, himself, but a man who would gladly watch the world go up in a nuclear conflagration if that's what it takes to teach Russia a lesson. Russia's invasion of Ukraine was, of course, unconscionable, but I'm going to level with you: I wouldn't trade the health and well-being of one, single resident of East Palestine, Ohio, for the lives of every flunky in Ukraine's corrupt government, up to and including its clown leader. 


  1. If East Palatine was a money maker for the Biden Crime Family (like, say, oh, the Ukraine), Slow Joe would be all over that disaster like white on rice.

    As it is, we get badly staged kabuki theater overseas, and garden gnomes posing as governors.

  2. Why has this world turned into a bad amusement park ride that you can't wait to get off of?

    Even if it means jumping and taking a chance you'll survive.

  3. there was a story on Redstate about a Biden tweet about Ukrane capturing his heart, and it had a great picture of Biden at a signing table, $500M check, and Zelinski standing nearby, looking up... (rolling his eyes or praying for the visit to end, I don't know, but it's priceless)

  4. Zelensky was probably thinking, "Just sign the damn check and go home, already."

  5. It’s high theater, at this point.

    At this point, I'd say it's more like vaudeville, and it's really unfortunate we don't have a long cane with a hook on the end of it.

  6. Whoever is scripting these public appearances obviously studied the master, Ed Wood.

  7. UFOs, air raid sirens, red tinged tirades, the only thing remaining is, "Joe or JoAnn?"
