Tuesday, February 28, 2023

That's going to make you an awful popular fella, Joe

I just got a call from Number One Son, the eminent Virginia Beach tattooist, who reported that he was stuck in traffic on his way home because of massive city-wide tie-ups stemming from key streets being shut down. And why is that, I asked. Because Joe Biden is paying a visit to the Kempsville Recreational Center. For what purpose, he didn't know (I suggested that maybe he was giving directions to his motorcade and thought he was in Delaware).

The Kempsville Recreational Center happens to be the place where Number One Son takes his kids to swim, so it's possible that the years will slip away and Biden will think that he's back in his life-guard days. Maybe he's there to offer Corn Pop a rematch, or let little black children rub the hair on his legs.

"I have come for Corn Pop."


  1. CNBC headline about his visit to KRC: Biden warns of GOP plans to curb access to health care

    So he had to go there to lie again. What else is new?

  2. Yeah, my son contacted me later and said that he had heard the visit had something to do with healthcare. I don't know why Biden thinks he has to actually go places to lie. Can't he just do that from the White House? Or from that fake set near the White House?

  3. Well, maybe this is similar, maybe not ... ...

    (And maybe I've told this story here before. My apologies if I have.)

    Bush 41, when he was Veep, visited Chicago for some GOP convention in downtown Chicago, a/k/a The Loop. Which is odd unto itself, as Chicago has been a donk bastion for several generations. Republicans there are not rare, but certainly not numerous. Even in 1985 or so.

    I remember this because I worked in the Loop at the time, and commuted daily on one of the suburb trains. I usually slept going in, and read going out.

    One stop on the commute home had part of the train sitting over the expressway. Now, at the best of times during rush hour, that 4 lane road was bumper to bumper and slow rolling in both directions. But on this particular day, I looked up from my reading, and down to the road. Why, I can't remember, might have been too quiet.

    But all lanes of the expressway were empty. Devoid of any cars. At 4 pm on a weekday. The guy in the seat across from me had looked as well. We were complete strangers, but we looked at each other, and said something like "WTF?"

    Then, suddenly, a bunch of police vehicles (cars and motorcycles) went screaming by, lights flashing. Then a bunch of limousines, followed by more police escorts.

    Yep, it was Dubya's pappy, heading down to the Loop for that convention. And they shut down the entire highway system in Cook County for the trip. At rush hour. I recall that traffic took HOURS to return to "normal". That certainly pissed off a whole of people. Thank God I was on a train.

    And that might have been the point of it all.

    Your son's experience might be for similar reasons. Has Virgina Beach done something to annoy Slow Joe?

  4. The obvious place for him to visit is East Palestine, but Trump's already been there. So they threw the dart at the map in the Oval Office and it landed on KRC.

  5. The Secret Service is choosing venues where they can be reliably certain the audience won't throw eggs and rotten tomatoes.
