Sunday, February 19, 2023

Trust the government?

Not bloody likely.

The indifference of the Biden administration is maddening. I suppose the fact that the area affected is predominantly white, blue collar and was pro-Trump in the last presidential election sealed the fate of the residents of East Palestine and nearby towns. 

And Pete Buttplug? Nowhere to be seen, except to take to the airwaves long enough to blame this disaster on - Donald Trump.

Gawrsh, Mickey, I guess being gay is no guarantee of competence.

Damn the lot of 'em.


  1. This whole incident has been nothing but a charlie foxtrot from the start.

    But I want to make two points here, involving federal disaster relief and/or assistance:

    1. I've been looking around, and I can't find where the Ohio governor (DeWine, an R) has declared a disaster and requested a presidential disaster declaration ANYWHERE. No where. Plenty of chatter that he's talking to the White House and FEMA, but not that action which would open the doors to a whole lot MORE federal aid. Assuming that Biden approved the federal declaration, of course. And federal "aid" is much different than federal "relief". Legally, such a request from DeWine would put Biden on the hot seat. I would be happy to be proven wrong ... ... but I checked DeWine's web site, as well those of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency and FEMA a couple days ago. Nada.

    2. Regardless of what DeWine does, it's well within Biden's authority to declare a federal disaster. It's not done often, given federalism, but that doesn't stop the donks from overreaching in other areas. That Slow Joe passed the buck to FEMA, who is simply coordinating federal support within the existing regulatory authorities of federal agencies. A federal disaster declaration would provide a lot of extra funding for this charlie foxtrot.

    Please note: I routinely dealt with federal and state disaster declarations in my previous life. And a friend (who writes for a news site) asked me to check up on some things.

    So, to me, this is coordinated cover up by state and federal agencies, hoping that the railroad company carries all the blame. Doubtful, given the decisions leading up to the explosions. But they are trying hard to cover their butts.


  2. From what I was told, Biden turned down DeWine's request. He sent FEMA, CDC, DOT, EPA, and HHS.

    I wondered when Biden would make a trip to East Palestine, as presidents usually do to disaster areas. Well, there were no plans announced until Trump said he was going, so now Biden is going.

  3. From what I was told, Biden turned down DeWine's request. He sent FEMA, CDC, DOT, EPA, and HHS.

    My point being, Deborah, that request is made in writing by the governor to FEMA, who reviews it, and passes it to The Prez for approval or disapproval. The process is well known, and is generally expedited. I'm certain that if the state EM folks don't know (and they should), they can ask FEMA or any other state. It's all well documented, available to the public. If nothing else, the governor is going to post it as proof he's on the ball.

    And I know that Ohio *IS* receiving federal assistance, but it isn't FEMA funded, it's within the authorities of each federal agency, from their own budgets. FEMA often gets a huge dollop of funds for disaster events, and can fund those agencies. Which makes them a lot more cooperative.

    Now, there is this news release from Friday:

    East Palestine currently does not qualify for FEMA assistance. Although FEMA is synonymous with disaster support, they are most typically involved with disasters where there is tremendous home or property damage such as tornadoes, flooding, and hurricanes.

    However, to ensure that East Palestine can receive assistance from FEMA should this disaster qualify for FEMA aid in the future, Governor DeWine is preemptively filing a request with FEMA to preserve these rights.

    Well, good. But nearly 2 weeks later? Wow. This has me shaking my head.

  4. Like I said: you can't trust government - federal OR state.

    I saw DeWine giving a news conference on the subject a few days ago. The guy didn't look terribly concerned; in fact, he looked a bit like a prairie dog who'd just popped his head out of a hole in the ground to take the air (but certainly not the air in the vicinity of East Palestine)

    Jeff, do you know whatever happened after that environmental disaster that affected the Navajo reservation along several creeks and streams that empty into the San Juan River (in the Four Corners area, I believe)? I thought the feds were involved in that one, either directly or indirectly. I was wondering if that problem was ever resolved.

  5. That was a former gold mine on the Navajo reservation, Paco. An EPA contractor supposedly remediating the site managed to breach a holding pond (containing toxic wastewater from the former operation) into a river. The tribe sued the EPA, but I've no clue as to where that case is in court.

    From the article:

    “For nearly two days, the USEPA did not call, alert or notify the Nation that this toxic sludge had been released and was headed into their waters and land,” the Navajo allege in the complaint. “Now, a year after one of the most significant environmental catastrophes in history, the Nation and the Navajo people have yet to have their waterways cleaned, their losses compensated, their health protected, or their way of life restored.”

    More butt covering. Oy.

    Yeah. Trust the government, my achin', dyin' arse.

  6. Jeff: Thanks for the feedback. I was pretty sure that one was not resolved -and probably never will be.

  7. When you've lost Rosie O'Donnell...
