Thursday, February 9, 2023

What the...

Click on over to The mind is an unexplored country for an updated photo of Madonna. Her head looks like a giant cinnamon bun.


  1. I saw a graphic with that next to the horror movie dude with the white face and 3 red, concentric circles on his cheek with, "Who wore it better?"
    Spoiler, he did.

  2. When I was composing that meme, the David Lynch movie I had in mind was Lost Highway - Robert Blake's character.
    Maybe Lynch's Dune would be more appropriate - she's turning into a Navigator!

  3. I was not impressed at all with Escape From LA. To me, it was not a sequel to Escape From New York, but a parody of it.

    However, there was one scene in Beverly Hills where Snake ran afoul of the Plastic Surgeon General (played by Bruce Campbell). He and his acolytes all had hideously deformed nearly immobile faces... which Material Girl, uh I mean Old Lady looks exactly like right now.

  4. Steve, Madge would be right at home in that scene.

  5. Stephen: I, too, always thought that Escape from LA looked like a parody. That scene from the "plastic surgeon" was pretty horrifying and suspenseful, though.

  6. I'm pretty easygoing with movies I don't give a shit generally but I get that description of Escape From L.A. yeah you're right.

  7. Breaking news!
