Friday, March 10, 2023

A mediocre football player...

...but a world class a$$hole: "Colin Kaepernick Accuses His Adoptive White Parents of ‘Perpetuating Racism’".

There are few things more contemptible than ingratitude. 


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 10, 2023 at 4:00 PM

    I firmly believe Scott Adams was trolling when he advised whites to "get away" from blacks. I thought he was simply inverting the racial rhetoric the left has been using for years. Blacks are constantly being told that they can't trust whites, that all whites are dangerously racist, and that they must self segregate for their own security. So Adams just flipped the script.

    And here we have washed up athlete Kaepernick making Adams' point for him. But he won't be cancelled... Nike will continue to prop him up as a beacon of courage.

  2. His adoptive parents should address him only as 'Boy' at all future family events.

  3. Parents telling children how not to style their is just like when Gov Wallace (D-Emocrat) turned firehoses on protestors or Joe Biden (D-Mentia) ranted against allowing blacks into white schools.

    Gregory, I'd suggest they just don't address him.
    Send him a GFY card.

  4. Sharper than a serpent's tooth and all that. No one should be surprised at what falls out of Kaeperdick's mouth.
