Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Another treasonous declaration from the leader of the GOP's Vichy wing

"Mitch McConnell says it’s a ‘mistake’ for Tucker Carlson to air January 6 footage".

As Archie Bunker once said, in a context I have forgotten, "You could rub liver on your behind, and cats wouldn't follow you!" Trump may not win the nomination, DeSantis may not win the nomination, or the winner, whoever it is, may lose to Biden or some other Democrat huckster. But one thing is for sure: McConnell has permanently lost the base, and everyone is now aware that he is a do-nothing, self-dealing careerist who is becoming increasingly delusional (e.g., his opinion that the war in Ukraine is the most important thing going on in the world right now).

Btw, Tucker Carlson seems to be one of only a tiny handful of news people who are genuinely interested in getting the truth out: "Tucker Carlson Begins Nuking False J6 Narrative From Orbit". 

And given the total collapse of our justice system inside the Beltway with respect to the J6 demonstrations - e.g., hyper-partisan juries, prosecutorial railroading, a Soviet-style prison environment that includes psychological and even physical torture -  I cannot find it in my heart to blame these people at all: "2 Capitol riot defendants sought by FBI after disappearing". I hope they never get caught.

"Mitch, mon pote, can I interest you in one of these very elegant kepis? They are the last word in collaborationist chic!"

Update  From Stephen Kruiser

I’ve written many times since last November, I firmly believe the McConnell doesn’t mind being in the minority forever. He’s fat and comfortable just kicking around the Senate, adding new chins every year. As long as his comfort zone isn’t disturbed, Mitch doesn’t give a damn about what the Republican rubes in the hinterlands need or want.

Update II  Remember Michael Steele? He was a spectacularly mediocre RNC chairman who, like so many dehorned RINOs, found a home in the leftist media. He now specializes in the supernatural: "FNC’s Tucker Carlson Is a ‘Demonic’ Sycophant".


  1. ...I firmly believe the McConnell doesn’t mind being in the minority forever.

    'the McConnell'

    At first, I assumed that was a typo. But then I thought maybe he was using it as a replacement for 'RINO'. In the future it may be "That guy isn't a Republican, he's a McConnell".

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 8, 2023 at 2:11 PM

    And now they've abandoned the last vestige of pretense... we, the cattle, are too stupid to understand the raw unfiltered view of events without our moral and intellectual betters sanitizing, bowdlerizing, and manipulating them so we may consume their predigested narrative without exercising out poor vestigial brains.

  3. That's why I've been saying DC is a lost cause. I refused to vote for Romney and I would have sat out POTUS election in 2016 if it had been Jeb or Rubio.
    Gov and sheriff are the important positions.
    Too bad AZ no longer has real elections or we would have a decent gov.
    Sigh. I hate winter but I might be Montana bound in a couple years.

  4. Michael Steele ticks me off almost more than W Bush, and for the same reason.
    We defended them against unhinged attacks by lefties and they both spit in our faces for it.

  5. The RINOs' capacity for ingratitude seems to be boundless.
