...was "phony". That's one I got right: "Jimmy Carter's smiling, man-of-the-people image that saw him carry his own luggage was 'all show', say ex-Secret Service agents who claim ex-president was 'rude and short' and 'talked down' to soldiers".
H/T: Ace's sidebar.
Update From the Dept. of No Explanation Required
Incidentally, some of the funniest stuff about Jimmy Carter ever written appears in R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr's book, Public Nuisances (out of print, I believe, but if you see one somewhere, snap it up).
Update II Ah, ha! I thought so! I did a review of Public Nuisances in a blog post here back in 2008 (my God, has this thing been around that long?), and I quoted liberally from Tyrrell's observations on Jimmy Carter. Enjoy!
When I registered to vote in 1971, I thought I checked a box indicating that I was registering as a Dimocrat. But when I went back to change it some years later I was told there was no such box. I think my years in college had warped my thinking, and that is why I thought I registered as a Dim.
ReplyDeleteBut, I can thank Jimmuh Carter for making me see the light, and realize my true political leanings.
A lot of us make mistakes, Rman. Thankfulily, we corrected that.
Deletemy first vote was for Reagan, and he had respect for the military. I remember the inflation and gas crisis of the carter years, as a new driver my parents tasked me with sitting in the gas lines.
ReplyDeleteI remember hearing similar stories about the clintons regarding the Secret Service and the military.
Just remember, people. When Jimmy "The Teeth" Carter finallyngoes to that Big Peanut Farm In The Sky, we're going to have to endure endless hypocritical paeons, hagiographies, and a Presidential Coffin Parade down 16th Avenue, complete with black horse and turned boot in the stirrup. I'm stocking up on something strong to get through it all.
ReplyDeleteSimilar tales were told about Felonia Von Pantsuit by her Secret Service protectors, though the quotes attributed to Felonia were a f***ing lot more offensive.
ReplyDeleteI never bought Carter's sanctimonious public image. It seemed to me at the time, callow youth that I was, that a politician could not possible private act the way Cartter did in public unless he was stupid of naive.
ReplyDeleteNo I never had a lot of respect for Carter's intellect, but I didn't think he was stupid. And I could not accept that a USNA graduate, former nuclear engineer, farmer and politician could be that naive. So I assumed that it was all a calculated image.
It's like this. Some people believe they have an excuse for the things they do wrong because they go to church faithfully and explain to God that they didn't really mean it and will do a lot of good things, so God will overlook the bad things. They tell themselves this over and over and over again. Jimmy Carter is one of those. So are Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden.