Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Does everything seem dumber these days?

A stimulating conversation between Joe Biden and AOC.

Update  Please, please let it be true - Joe Biden on Jimmy Carter “He asked me to do his eulogy."

When he inevitably messes it up, look for the media to blame it on, say, an allergic reaction to peanut dust or something. 


  1. Everything? Well, no, not EVERYTHING. Maybe %99.999999999... of stuff.

    But not EVERYTHING.

  2. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between dumb and willfully-ignorant.
    Not with Biden and Occasional Cortex, but with other people.
    Those two are dumber than a box of Barbara Boxers.

    1. "dumber than a box of Barbara Boxers."

      Love it! Can I use that, please?

    2. Everything I write on the intertubes is open source.
      I personally think people using my bon mots, or sorta-bon mots, is flattering.
      I can never understand why folks would get upset about that.

  3. Regarding the update ... ... maybe Slow Joe will regal the "mourners" with Cornpop stories.

    After stumbling on the way to the podium, of course.
