Wednesday, March 1, 2023

See ya!

Chicago mayor and giant axolotl Lori Lightfoot has been shown the door by the voters.

"It's just racism, all the way down!"


  1. Stephen A SkubinnaMarch 1, 2023 at 6:47 PM

    Sorry, Lori. America is so deeply irredeemably racist and misogynistic that the first black woman mayor of a major city is still years if not centuries away. Also, no gays in politics. Did you not get the memo?

    What a cupid stunt.

  2. I continue to be baffled by the sheer physical hideousness of so many donk politicians. This level of yoogly mirrors their souls, I think.

  3. Chicago isn't clear of frying pan just yet. They still have a run-off to go through.

    I haven't been paying close attention. Which cards did she play after losing?

  4. Lori is more like the salt monster from Star Trek. The axolot is a cutie with small eyes. It could easily be a star of a kids' show. I'd buy some merchandise.

  5. It will be nominated for a cabinet position soon.

    Bio exorcist czar or something. In keeping with our UFO Department of Defense importance. Or something.

  6. I just wonder how much cussing and drinking old testament Jeremiah did while writing his blog.

  7. They still have a run-off to go through.

    Mach nights, Deborah. The sheeple in that bastion of donkness will vote an equally clueless, but perhaps more tactful, lefty into office.

  8. I always equated Lori Lightfoot with The Cryptkeeper from that old HBO horror show because that's who she physically resembled. Poor woman, I know she couldn't help her face, but she insisted on constructing a persona that matched it perfectly. Reading the things that people who know her wrote about her, losing the election is no less than she deserves. I don't think Chicagoans have much hope of relief with a successor, but who knows?
