Monday, March 13, 2023

There aren't enough Charles Bronson Death-Wish-style vigilantes to make up this gap

"You think crime is out of control in New York City now? Just wait."

Besides, the insane virtue-signaling governments of the five boroughs would come down a lot harder on vigilantes than on garden variety muggers, rapists and murderers. 


  1. I think this is where someone says "You get what you vote for!"

    But, speaking as a resident of Illinois, it's actually "You get what the stupid Dimocrats vote for if they outnumber you, and you can't afford to move to a sane place."

  2. Exactly right, r-man.

    And I speak as a resident of Washington State. For now.

  3. Not only will it get worse, it is getting worse! Today's NY Post has an article about the new chickens##t rules being imposed on the street cops along with a new cadre of lickass sgt's and lt's to harass them. Mayor ex-cop Adams is doing more to destroy the NYPD than DeBlasio did in 2 terms.
