Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Working-with-your-hands Wednesday



  1. Not really related, just a 'working with your hands' story.
    I work second shift for a global corporation, doing QC in a machine shop. They have a bunch of machine shops all over the world.
    The corporate bureaucrats have been getting more and more power. It's getting out of hand. They told us we couldn't bring knives in, for instance. So silly. In a company with 30+ machinists, there're probably 40 pocket knives at any given time. Most of us have had a pocket knife for most of our lives.
    They have 20+ cnc mills, 8 or so cnc lathes, a couple manual mills and a couple manual lathes.
    Some manual mill guy in some crappy country did something stupid so they said, "No manual mills!" The manual lathe guy retired and they hadn't replaced him.
    So after a few weeks of the poor manual mill guy using a CNC mill, which he hated, they let him go back to his mill but built a cage around the mill. Utterly stupid.
    He thought it was funny. I always asked him if he'd killed anybody today but the cage saved them apparently. When someone would talk to him, if I was walking by, I'd say, "Visiting hours are over!"
    The other night I made a sign and put it up on his cage
    North American Manual Mill Worker
    In His Natural Habitat
    Watch for him making chips
    Listen for thim cussing his machine

    The folks on the floor think it's hilarious, it's still there.
    I expect to be called in to the Safety Supervisors office by Monday.
    It's gonna be hard to pretend contrition while I'm laughing.

  2. "Comrade Veeshir, how dare you treat out our cowardly defense of irrationality with such flippancy!"

  3. You should have noted that he’s a member of an endangered species, Veeshir. That would drive the bean counters nuts.

    Whole lotta brass in that toaster. Today it’s plastic. Such a pity we don’t have pretty things like that anymore. Although I’m not ecstatic about the wiring.

  4. JeffS, yeah, that woulda been good.

    The GM thought it was funny so he took a picture of it and sent it to the N.A VP in charge of lots of stuff.
    I'm not sure if I'm happy about that. The more it gets traded around a corporation the more likely someone, somewhere is gonna be OUTRAGED!!!!!!.
