Friday, April 28, 2023

Glad to see it

"It Begins: 500 Australians have filed the world's first Covid vaccine class-action lawsuit".

Governments, everywhere, being insanely allergic to admitting mistakes or other wrongdoings, I'm not sure whether this class action suit will amount to anything. But it is refreshing to see people make the effort. I'd be particularly interested in getting some feedback from my friends in the antipodes. 


  1. Guaranteed not to be a topic of workplace conversation.
    I wish them well.

  2. "The Australian government never actually required anyone to get the jab as a condition of status in the country."

    Well they didn't hold you down and jab you, but if you couldn't prove you were double jabbed there were certain things you could not do.
    These included but were not limited to - working, shopping for food, eating out, going to the Pub (my personal horror) or dealing with government departments. There were certain suburbs, usually poorer ones, that were ringfenced and occupants were not allowed to leave. The Army came around to a friends place every morning and his family had to present themselves at a window to prove they hadn't left home.
    Yes we were subdued and pushed around by compliant governments of every flavour who were getting their orders from power hungry bureaucrats. I hope to God I don't see it happen again.

  3. Vax resistance legends Graham Hood and John Larter host William Bay and Elizabeth Hart. Dr Hart presents a concise timeline of the lies fed to Australians.

  4. Stephen A SkubinnaApril 29, 2023 at 1:12 PM

    Guess they all figure "What the hell, we're already living in a penal colony, what more can they do to us?"

    It's kind of sad because from the very first time I visited Oz I felt a strong kinship with the people there - at least the ones in Western Australia. Not that I can indulge in schadenfreude much, as the US is careening down the totalitarian slope. At this point the big question is, what form will it take, fascist or communist?

  5. Certain parts of Australia (like certain parts of America) have a strong history of authoritarianism. But there are certain parts of America who stubbornly resist this trait, and I figure there are certain parts of Australia that do too. Those parts need to start asserting themselves.
