Monday, April 10, 2023

Is she talking about Donald "Bugs" Trump, "Lucky" Ron DeSantis and Rand "The Knife" Paul?

"Ocasio-Cortez: ‘The Crime Wave Is Within the Republican Party’".

Look, I believe in helping the learning-disabled, but giving AOC a congressional seat was way over the top. 

The Republican crime wave, if it exists at all, is in the nature of treason to the base, and it's being run by people like Mitch "Three Chins" McConnell, Mitt "The Aisle Jumper" Romney, and Thom "Tick Tock" Tillis.

Leaving aside the fake crime wave being touted by Dembiciles like AOC, here's an interesting observation about some real crime waves...

PPS - They're all run by Democrats.


  1. That 189/193 ranking is achieved INCLUSIVE of NYC & LA statistics.
