Thursday, May 18, 2023


Updated and bumped  I received the following email from friend and commenter JeffS:

I posted that Heidi image to Facebook. It was tagged as "false  information" in a few minutes. See the attached screenshot. 
Lefties have no sense of humor, and reject sarcasm! And it's nice to  see their "fact check" is in another language.


Non-partisan court watch dog not so non-partisan - plus its head guy is an idiot: "Group demanding transparency for SCOTUS panics after accidentally being transparent".

C'mon, guys, think big: "‘Squad’ member demands $14 TRILLION in reparations on a national level; ‘It’s time to pay that debt’".

It's good to know that George Soros is not beloved among everyone in the billionaire class: "Billionaire David Sacks Joins in on Exposing the Pure Evil of George Soros".

Frankly, if we can't nip this evil in the bud, then our country isn't worth saving: "Disturbing Democrat Trans Cult Thinks It Owns Your Children".

Seems like Biden may be recovering his cognition. Oh, wait, my mistake. It's the Bad Lip Reading folks.

The corruption in this country has become so bad that it represents an outbreak of societal sepsis threatening to destroy the America we grew up in.


  1. We call it Bad Lip Reading but it's probably more accurate than we know.

    It was founded at the expense of the lives, freedoms and well-being of black people, African folks who they stole, whose enslavement, exploitation and dehumanization were written into the Constitution,” said Bush.

    Perhaps Cori Bush should show us exactly where in the Constitution that's written.

  2. Perhaps Cori Bush should show us exactly where in the Constitution that's written.

    It's a riff on Article I, Section 2, Rebecca, to wit:

    "Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons."

    The commies complain that this means that the Founding Fathers considered "non free Persons" (i.e., slaves) as 60% human, or some similar garbage.

    What it REALLY means is that the total population of the slave states, including free and slaves, greatly exceeded the non-slave states, and thus would have had a clear majority in the house had there NOT been that 3/5th factor.

    Which is what the South wanted in the first place, while the North was against counting them at all. That factor was a compromise to allow fair representation. Just imagine if the slave states had gotten their way.

    A reality that the commies pointedly ignore. It destroys their narrative.

  3. As for that SCOTUS "watchdog" ... "Transparency for thee, but not for me."

    It's disgusting how many of these special interest "groups" are either scams or astro-turf operations. Or both.

    And I love that "Heidi" meme. Haw!

  4. All the watchdogs that are actually non-partisan are listed below:
    Judicial Watch.
    Judicial Watch.
    Judicial Watch.

    And, of course, Judicial Watch.

  5. RE the update on the adventures of JeffS at Club Zuckerberg: the first time I got pinged by the Community Standards police was over my posting of the meme Gays On Islam/Islam On Gays. The second portion of the meme features followers of the Prophet tossing a gay off a roof.
    This was after the meme had been doing the rounds of the internet, including Facebook, for several years.
    At the same time I've posted a motivator more times than I can count on Facebook that calls for any passing deity to fill Marky's rear end with spiny anteaters, and I've never had even a hint of pushback.
    It really is a lottery over there.

  6. Gregory is right about FB being a lottery. Recently I got put in FB jail for 24 hours and I have absolutely no idea why because I hadn't posted anything for several days, not even comments.
