Wednesday, May 17, 2023

I...don't know about this

Testicles seem to be in the news lately. So, we go from the testicle festival in Michigan to the testicle-checking booth in New Zealand.


  1. Didn't Walowitz already warn us of this?

  2. This kind of makes me glad I don't have any. On the other hand, we women do have to go for breast exams periodically, and I bet they're a lot more painful than what men have to go through, given it's done by n unfeeling machine and all.

    1. That's very true. Wouldn't we like to see men have to have a exam where their balls were squished in like manner. Well, maybe just once, so they better comprehend our plight.

      Luckily, I had the best examiner ever in Los Angeles at a VA Clinic. She should have been an instructor.

  3. I'd check the credentials of the anonymous "medical professional" before closing that curtain.

    These days, you never know.

  4. Rebecca: a resident at the Paco Command Center, who wishes to remain anonymous, emphatically endorses your observation.

  5. Brace yourself? Why, exactly? Is the 'anonymous urologist' really named 'Marquis de Sade'?

    And why not in your Doctor's office, instead of a mall somewhere?

  6. Is this what happened to Thing after The Addams Family was cancelled? Couldn't find another job in Hollywood, and had to enter the medical profession?

  7. I thought it was robotic.

    That's even creepier.
