Saturday, May 13, 2023

When architects do meth



  1. That looks like an architect's CGI of a proposed building, because architects don't live in the real world as opposed to construction engineers. If it's real, it'll be a real humdinger to be in when the next Big One hits.

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 13, 2023 at 1:52 PM

    Both Tracey Kidder's House and Jonathan Pollan's A Place of My Own cover some of the questionable attitudes and designs of modern architects. One gains the impression that many of them don't like humans and resent that their creations must accommodate them.

    That is, if you didn't already have that impression from examining Brutalism or considering Le Corbusier's ghastly "Machines for Living" philosophy.

  3. Tom Wolfe's From Bauhaus to Our House is highly recommended.

  4. I wonder what it'll look like when they finish it.

  5. Haw! I think some stucco would fix it right up.

  6. Hundertwasser meets Soviet brutalist. I see it comes with a river view--of the Los Angeles River, the ugliest river ever built by man. So it fits right in with the neighborhood.

  7. The shredded style could have been inspired by The Day After Tomorrow, which had Hollywood ripped apart by tornadoes.

  8. Think of the folks who okayed that mess.
    This world has a serious lack of people who say, "Maybe that isn't such a good idea."
    Instead we have people in positions of authority who want to do anything but what normal folks would think is okay.
