Wednesday, May 17, 2023

You have been warned

Robert Spencer: "The Ominous Reason Why Biden Keeps Repeating His False Claim About a White Supremacist Threat".

This regime aims to criminalize political dissent, and that will require demonizing and stigmatizing fully half of the electorate. It is increasingly clear that when Biden claims that white supremacists are the biggest terror threat the nation faces, he means ordinary Americans who have never broken any law but who oppose his agenda. If everyone who opposes him is a white supremacist terrorist, then the nation has over a hundred million of them. Arrests and prosecutions on false pretenses will follow. That’s the threat that was contained in his words at Howard.

First, with the brain-dead (literally) president and his brain dead (figuratively) handlers, we get the kakistocracy, then we get the Marxism (or Fascism - pick your favorite "ism"). I don't see how this state of affairs is sustainable, unless we're so distracted by bread and circuses that our complacency allows this evil to triumph. But, truth to tell, it can happen here, if we let it.


  1. Yeah, too many people believe what they see in the news and on the INTERNET. Critical thinking is so 1999, y'know?

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaMay 17, 2023 at 12:57 PM

    Blood libel starts with delegitimizing your opponent. In a stroke you remove him from society and the need to address him directly, or even to refute any of his arguments. Then, once having delegitimized him, you can deny his actual humanity.

    Hence, the characterization of hated groups as vermin, for example. And you don't argue with rats. You don't debate termites. You call an exterminator.

    Make no mistake, they'll put us in camps if they can.

  3. It seems Australia and New Guinea will not have the pleasure of Stumblin Joe after all. Hours after the Albanese government confirmed the visit, the US issued a statement saying it was cancelled so the Great One can solve the debt crisis.
    The Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels in New Guinea (as my father called them during the war) have had to rearrange their menu for the official dinner.
