Friday, June 2, 2023

If it's not too much to ask...

...can the next president, in addition to cleaning up* the DOJ and the FBI, also flush out the Capitol Police? "Children’s Choir Stopped Mid-Performance While Singing National Anthem at US Capitol, Capitol Police Claims it is a Prohibited 'Form of Protest'".

*Or abolishing.


  1. On viewing the video, it apparently was the chunky broad in the Capitol police uniform who got her panties in a twist. Sigh. It's always white women. She needs to be hauled in front of whoever's in charge of the Capitol police these days (now that Nasty's no longer boss) to explain her decision (not justify because there is no justification). Somebody might be offended?!? Give me a break!

  2. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 2, 2023 at 7:00 PM

    Know who else sang the Star Spangled Banner in the US Capitol?

    Adolph Hitler, that's who!

  3. Well, seeing how the gathered crowd was being worked up into a frenzy by the children's protesting, it was probably a good call. /sarc

    At the current rate of decline in human civilization, even if Globull Warmening is real the world will be uninhabitable long before GW can make it that way.

    SMOD, please save us from the agony!

  4. It used to be I would be surprised and ticked off they did it, now the part that bothers me the most is that there will be no repercussions.
    They might apologize and say it shouldn't have happened, but the iceholes who did it will not be penalized.

  5. Stephen A SkubinnaJune 2, 2023 at 10:30 PM

    Best to nip these things in the bud. It starts with the national anthem, and next thing you know, the kids are taking selfies with their feet up on Nancy Pelosi's desk!


  6. Bet it would have been okay if it was a Trans children or Drag choir. That would've spun heads.

    I'd like to see an extremely large assembly descend on D.C to sing with the choir. Let's see what the storm troopers led by a Karen do then.
