Friday, August 25, 2023


 Donald Trump's mug shot.

That is one angry American. God be with him.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under thy feet. - Psalm 91:13

Update Or, as it appeared in Latin the first time I saw this verse: Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis : et conculcabis leonem et draconem  - Psalm 90: 13-14 (in the numbering of the Catholic Bible). Sounds more impressive, for some reason.


  1. Dimocrats: We have to preserve the Democracy!

    Republicans: We have a Republic!

    Dimocrats: Well, the best we can do is a Banana Republic!

  2. Another 'THIS time for SURE!!!' moment from the Enemies of Trump. Like that old meme said, if Trump said he was in favour of breathing, these folks would suffocate themselves.

  3. All those NeverTrumpers and lefties don't understand ... ... they're next.

  4. Out: mean tweets.

    In: mean face.

    Leftocrats: Waaaaaahhhh, mommeee!

  5. Bill Barr: 'He looks like a thug'

    Meanwhile Barr looks like Norm from Cheers, and he's a coward.
