Monday, August 28, 2023

How did we ever survive without the government to guide us in everyday life?


Liberal Dies On Toilet While Awaiting CDC Guidance On How To Wipe

I read somewhere that the Biden Maladministration is talking up the notion of reinstating mask rules. I suppose the next step could well be to tell us how to wipe.

H/T: Mrs. Paco


  1. Maybe they'll combine them.

    "Save resources, wear a mask, then use it to wipe."

  2. R-man, with ideas like that, you have what it takes to climb to the highest levels of the CDC.

  3. I think you have it backwards rman, wipe with mask then wear it.
    If you're going to advertise your nitwiticy, go all out.

  4. I was kinda afraid to make that comment, for fear some CDC muckety-muck would see it and claim it as their own idea.

  5. Good thinking, r-man.
