Saturday, September 16, 2023

Another righteous acquittal

"Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton acquitted in impeachment trial".


  1. Sorry, Bushies. Time for your family to step aside and leave Texas to the Republicans.

  2. Exactly Stephen.
    I'd say all of America is done with the Bushes.
    They squandered tremendous goodwill in near record time.

  3. Why is George W. even fooling around with backroom politics? He's had his run. Why do former presidents (and, yeah, I'm looking at you, too, Barry) insist on keeping a hand in? Can't get the power-lust out of their systems, I suppose. Plus, I imagine they still owe their old pals plenty of favors. And - how could I almost forget this one - there's still money to be made off of those kinds of connections.

  4. I guess I can't relate because I'm too lazy. Just enough is plenty for me.

  5. I never quite understood what all that Paxton thing was about anyway? Hit job maybe?

  6. Hit job, Rebecca. Paxton whomped a Bush family scion in an election, 68% to 32%, and the Bushes want his blood.

    Beege at Hot Air has a good compilation of the matter:

    The comments on the post are equally enlightening.
