Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Careless, corrupt or both... no longer matters to me. The FBI cannot be trusted: "FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid".

"Hi, Chief. I'm still here casing Paco's place. It's been three days, now, and I haven't...what? This isn't his home? It's his grandmother's property? And it's been abandoned for years? But Ray Epps said...Ok, ok, don't bite my head off. I'll pack it in and head back to HQ."


  1. Lawlessness started from the top down.
    I'm absolutely sure they all think they're above the law.

  2. Civil asset forfeiture needs to be greatly curtailed, if not ended entirely.

    I'm absolutely sure they all think they're above the law.

    Are you talking about just the FBI, or all the alphabet agencies?

  3. I don't doubt that Mr. Mellein's property was "lost" ... uh huh, right into some FBI agent's pocket. This is what we've come to expect from the US government.
