Sunday, September 17, 2023

Follow-up on the Paxton impeachment acquittal

Friend and commenter Jeff S. provides a link to more background on the unsuccessful attempt to impeach Texas AG. Here's a wrap-up by Beege Welborn at Hot Air. 

It's not surprising - knowing what we know now about the establishment in D.C., and elsewhere in the country, and the rise of the Uni-Party - but it's still incredibly annoying to reflect on the phenomenon of the Bush family, and how the "main enemy" in their minds was always unvarnished conservatives, much more so than Democrats, with whose stalwarts they had so much in common in terms of economic background, education and government connections. The GOP must shed the establishment like the cracked and flaking old skin that it is if it expects to have a future at all. 


  1. The great divide in our country is not by race. Sorry, proggies. I know you devote most of your energies into creating that, but nope.

    Nor is it by political party. Sorry Biden hack with your "ultra mega-MAGA extremists" rhetoric.

    No, the divide is by class. On the one side are normies who work for a living and have families... and on the other are those who believe that their diploma, plus the vacation house on Martha's Vineyard and the seats of various foundations enters them into the nomenklatura.

  2. Yesterday I found this blog by someone with a Serb name which seemed interesting because he'd grown up in the Soviet U. I wanted to comment but Googled him first. Turns out he lives in DC - Google shows the classy townhouse - and he is married to a woman from a prominent San Francisco family. He writes reports on poverty for the World Bank and she writes about climate change for several big NGOs.

    It certainly is about class. And see how the nomenklatura bypass ordinary Americans and pull useful types from all over the world to bolster their numbers. This Serb's alienation from ordinary Americans is just the type the elite need. I guess like how old royalty never married in their own country but always some outsider, 'Let them eat cake', French Revolution and all that.

    I noted that during the Afghanistan campaign the NY elites welcomed the Afghan president's kids into the NY art scene. Harmless in itself, but as part of a wider pattern, it all seems to bolster the globo-elite class. I sense that even our new Australian PM, having won the election, was mostly excited about his admission into the global elite. He does not seem to care about ordinary Australians at all.

  3. So, how does this admission to the elite thing work? Do I get an extra sausage biscuit at Bojangles? Or a big discount on a bag of potting soil at Lowe's? I not, then I ain't interested.

  4. "If not", not "I not". No wonder the elite hasn't asked me to join; I can't hardly spell too good.

  5. You get $millions in kickbacks from Ukraine.
    The drawbacks are wearing a mask (in public) and pretending Brandon is a good POTUS.

  6. The drawbacks are wearing a mask (in public) and pretending Brandon is a good POTUS.

    Sorry. Best I can do is stand six feet from people and shout "squirrel!" whenever somebody mentions Biden.

  7. They couldn't even round up enough Democrat votes to win an impeachment. Paxton Derangement Syndrome might be intense, but it doesn't appear to be contagious.

  8. I think the closer you get (socially) to DC, NY etc, the stronger the gravitational pull, the more it pulls you in to the status seeking. Universities are where class-outsiders first experience the pull.

    I had a high GPA at my Sydney uni and was offered membership in the US 'Gold Key National Honor Society', because my uni had affiliated. They sent me glossy magazines, mostly about successful 'minorities'. Lots of clues for social climbing in those articles.

    Also virtue-signalling politicians, like the Australian Prime Minister, are admitted.

  9. I have friends who were drawn into it because they married ambitious women. Never underestimate the power of society matrons and the pecking order.
