Thursday, September 28, 2023

From the MENSA newsletter

 Or maybe not: "Cigarette Sparks Explosion Inside Dodge Charger, Starts House Fire".

A woman hopping inside a Dodge Charger for a cigarette sparked an explosion that destroyed the car, burned down a significant portion of her home and left her with third-degree burns. How could a cigarette cause so much destruction while sitting in a driveway? A propane tank was being stored in the back seat with the windows rolled up.

Well...Charlotte. People do all kinds of stupid stuff there.

One has to be careful when smoking in a car, even in the absence of a propane tank. I remember that I was driving my blue Superbird around town one evening, smoking a cigar, and a red-hot ember fell off the end of the stogie and landed in my lap. This led to considerable weaving around the road, in addition to some highly colorful language which, given the open windows, was clearly audible to sundry startled pedestrians.


  1. Smoking in an enclosed space with a propane tank.

    Sometimes I think nicotine makes people stupid. Because I cannot otherwise explain why otherwise intelligent people do such things when they need a smoke.

    It isn't just smoking the tobacco that has the effect. In the Army I learned early on that if you're drinking a beverage in the same area as somebody who dips, under no circumstances do you set the drink down. If for some reason you have to, don't drink from it afterwards, toss it out. Because to a dipper, every open container is a spit cup.

  2. Depending on her current condition and/or progeny status, she may receive the Darwin Award.

  3. I remember in high school dropping an ash and burning a hole in the seat of my father's brand new Plymouth. That was perhaps worse than a propane tank.

  4. A&A: I imagine that could well have had worse consequences than the propane tank incident.

  5. Sometimes I think nicotine makes people stupid. Because I cannot otherwise explain why otherwise intelligent people do such things when they need a smoke.

    "Intelligent people"? Who stores a propane tank in a car?

  6. Wasn't talking about her, RebeccaH. I hedged my phrasing because people less stupid than her smoke.

  7. Apologies, Skubinna for misreading. But really, who does store propane tanks in a car?
