Monday, September 4, 2023

Important safety tip

You might want to park your EV near a fire station: "Idalia exposes yet another problem with EVs".

Some electric vehicles in Florida are bursting into flames after coming into contact with saltwater. Residual saltwater particles left behind on flooded batteries and battery components can conduct electricity, resulting in short circuits and eventual fires. Safety officials are urging EV owners with vehicles that flooded to take action now as fires can ignite weeks after flooding.

Say what you will about my old gas guzzling Superbird: it never blew up when I drove it to the beach. 


  1. among my multiple concerns regarding EVs is that saltwater issue; having shopped for used vehicles over time, the condition of many cars from the northern states have indications of salt damage, ie rusted body panels and frames; I suspect that EVs from the northern states, where the use salt/brine on the roads will cause similar problems as EVs become more plentiful.

    1. Good point. I hadn't thought of road salt being an issue.

  2. That’s a real possibility ,Tom.

    I don’t plan on buying an EV, not even if Bootyjuice or Elon gives them away.

  3. Say, these newfangled electric vehicles seem to have some problems.

  4. Okay yeah, but when EVs catch fire, um... it actually takes carbon out of the atmosphere! Those thick clouds you see are composed of justice and equity.
