Wednesday, September 6, 2023

New Microsoft help feature



  1. Back when I had to do that for a paycheck, I always disabled Clippy when setting up a new computer. And I always imagined Clippy sounding just like Gilbert Gottfried.

    And so, imagine my astonishment back in the waning days of the Twentieth Century, when Microsoft finally yielded to customer demands and got rid of that obnoxious feature. They even made a website about getting rid of Clippy. And who did they get to voice the character?

    Yeah. Gilbert Gottfried.

  2. I haven't thought of Clippy for years. Maybe that's because we switched to Macs years ago.

  3. Stephen: that's hilarious - and prescient.

    Here's a sort of obit on Clippy. I didn't know it had been so long since he "passed away".

  4. You've entered 'totalitarian regime'. Did you mean 'tractor ride'?
    Would you like an educational visit from an FBI Spell Squad?
    That's better.
